I Changed My Word for 2018

After some pondering and praying, I decided to change my word for 2018.  In my previous post, I stated it was “embraced.”  Once I started thinking more about the coming year and my intentions, I realized that, yes, I need to let myself be embraced, but I was also being called to expand on that thought.

The other day when I sat down with my prayer journal, these are the thoughts that came to me:

I am embraced in You!
Where are you calling me to go today?
What are you calling me to embrace?
I have no fear for You are with me.
Put Your desires in my heart. Let what You want be what I want.
Give me Your courage, strength, and stamina.
Let me be alert and welcome where you lead.
I am safe.
I am surrounded in Light–warm and breezy.
I breathe You in; I breathe You out.
You are the air I breathe.
My heart beats Your love–my trust in You steady and strong.
Come, Holy Spirit.
I embrace You.

Then, a short phrase came to me.  I decided I wanted it to be my mantra, or short prayer for the year.  I have never chosen a short prayer for the year, but these words seem to describe perfectly what my soul is longing for.  It is short, so I can easily memorize it and use it at the beginning of the day, and throughout the day when I need to regain my focus.

I embrace this day and all I encounter, because I am being embraced.

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