Grounded? Grounded. Grounded?!

This morning I am looking across the room at our green sofa and thinking, as I have often, how I really like the color in the wintertime. When everything outside is gray and white, just that fact that it is colorful–not black and white–is welcoming, let alone that anything green at this time of the year is hopeful.

However, when spring, summer, and even fall come, I feel like there is way too much green in the room. (I must have picked that fabric out during the winter months.)

Another thought I have actually been pondering all week is “grounding”. The fact that two books sit on my coffee table partially read because I got stuck on the part where you are supposed to go for a walk and experience nature. Sure, you can walk outside in the winter here in Minnesota, but I often feel like it is too cold, the snow too deep, or even too icy as it has been this year. That longing I so often feel to dig in the dirt or just plain ground myself with the earth under my feet is a real sense of loss for me. That led me to do a bit of searching for ways to ground myself during the winter months. ( As most if not all of these ideas are mentioned more than once from different authors, I decided they did not need to be cited.) I wrote them down as I found them throughout the week. It is not a page of wonderful art but more of an artists way of taking notes. In that way, the idea of an art journal or prayer journal has affected my method, and it is something I am exploring more deeply.

As I looked for definitions, quotes, bible verses, and helpful suggestions, I had a little bit of a chuckle as I thought about how as a child, the word “grounded” usually meant the punishment of not being able to leave home–go out and play–during your free time for a certain number of days. I distinctly remember my mom or dad’s voice saying “you’re grounded!.” (Truthfully, my parents were not very strict with us, so it did not happen often, but I sure remember it.) How funny that a word I did not want to hear has become something I want, and even strive for years later.

I had another giggle when I wrote the words “hold a stone”. My mind went ding ding; that is why prayer beads and the rosary became such a blessing for me. How could I forget?! Praying with beads is most definitely a practice. It is a practice I begin again and again. (See the about me on the right of this blog.)

This rosary uses petrified wood beads for the “Ave” beads, which is wood that has been turned to stone over time. It happens to be one of my favorite beads to use.

With all the changes I mention above, I consider the one thing in my life that does not change. That is God’s love for us.

What do you consider in your life when you think of all that has changed as you have grown older? What has remained the same for you?

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Grounding Silent Breath Prayer

Short, easily memorable prayers have become very useful for me. Often times, life gets so busy that just taking a few breaths to connect with God is all we seem to have. That can be particularly true if you have small children (which I can attest to after watching my grandchildren yesterday. One can forget as you age just how “lively” life used to be!)

These words above came to me the other day as I was pondering how to ground myself in the here and now. So often I operate in the future or the past. Just taking a few breaths to be in the present moment can be an anchor or grounding moment that gives me a connection to God–a reminder to put my life and all its busyness in God’s hands.

I wrote it out in the lines for each breath. Inhale–Right here, Exhale–Right Now, Inhale–All that I am, Exhale–I Give to You. Certainly, breath prayers can be used with rosaries and prayer beads too. I even recommend them.

Do you have a short prayer you like to use that helps ground you in God’s presence?

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By Their Fruits

This morning I listened to the pray-as-you-go meditation based on the daily scripture reading, which today happened to be the story about Samuel hearing God calling and thinking it was Eli. One of the questions presented to ponder was if we hear God speaking to us. I thought and thought and realized I could not think of anytime that God had talked to me. The audio finished and ended and I went on with my day.

For the last couple years I have been using a planner from The Dragontree called the Dreambook Planner. How it differs from other planner/calendars is that you schedule your life around your dreams. (That is making it much more simple than it actually is.) One of the things you choose each week is a focus. I had chosen the word “awaken” on Sunday after reading a chapter from Joan Chittister’s book The Breath of the Soul. So, this morning I looked at my focus word and what was on my schedule for the day.

Fast forward a day or two from last Sunday when I had chosen the word “awaken” for the week, and I see a video by Briana Borten from the Dragontree posted on YouTube called Awakening Your True Consciousness and Highest Self. Of course it jumped out at me because of that word “awakening” but to be honest, other than the planner and things they do to help you use it and fill it out, I had not really pursued anything else the Dragontree offers. My reasoning for that may sound very judgmental to some, because I was a bit leery of some of the “new age” ” pagan” things. Still, I thought I might need to be a bit more open-minded so I watched it. There was not one thing I could find in it that challenged Christianity. In fact, I saw how her references to love and light could easily be interchanged with God–even God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Still I was not convinced that Briana’s words totally meshed with my faith.

Yesterday, for a bible study group I am in we are studying the book of Matthew and the Sermon on the Mount. Without knowing it I read ahead to Chapter 7, which was supposed to be for next week. Interestingly, included in the chapter is about knowing Christians by their fruits. That made me think of Briana and her video. There was not one “bad fruit” I could think of that could come out of what she said.

Have you totally lost me? Well, pray-as-you-go and their question today, Briana Borten’s video, Joan Chittister’s book and the chapter 7 in Matthew about bearing good fruit all came together for me this afternoon.

Have I heard God speaking to me? Yes! I think God has spoken to me through others often, and especially this last week. That made me smile and giggle a bit at myself too.

(All italicized and in bold above will lead to the links if you click on them.)

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My Prayer Corner

I mentioned the other day that a friend of mine gave me some new ideas for my prayer corner. My prayer corner started out as a collection of crosses I had either purchased or received as a gift. Last year, in keeping with my word of the year–“well”–I decided a pottery wall vase would actually make a nice little font, so that was added.

When I put up our nativity scene over Christmas, I needed to move our water fountain to a different place. Pulling out a little table I had, I knew our fountain had found it a new home.

After Christmas this year, I decided to treat myself to a couple pieces of folk art from an artist I admire on Etsy. (I will tell you about those later.) Seeing my friends prayer wall, I decided I really wanted to includes some scripture or prayer.

This is what it looks like now with the circle blessing prayer I created framed.

Whether you call it a prayer corner, prayer wall, home altar, or even part of my sacred space, I see it from the chair in our living room where I most often sit when I want to focus on prayer and meditation.

This totally goes against the minimalist lifestyle I want to create by getting rid of excess stuff, but I did order myself a hanging Moroccan candle lamp today. I already have a hook in the ceiling to hang it from. My intent is to light it like a vigil light to keep the prayers for those I love burning.

I share this hoping it might inspire someone else, as my friend’s prayer wall inspired mine. (I am linking this photo of her prayer wall from Facebook to her blog. I hope she does not mind me sharing it.)

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My Word for 2020 – Wonder

Whenever I tell people about the spiritual practice I use of choosing a word for the year, they often ask me questions about why and how. I was originally introduced to the practice by Christine Valters Paintner of Abbey of the Arts.

This year I ran across another explanation by Valerie Sjodin. (She offers a thoughtful video explanation.) Valerie is an artist who creates beautiful visual prayers and prayer journals. She also wrote a blog post recently about using your word of the year for a study, which I would like to incorporate into my own practice. If you have never seen her work, I highly encourage you to do so. I find it very inspiring! Here is her website:

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A Circle Prayer Blessing

This morning a friend of mine, Kristen Olson-Vincent from Prayerworks Studio, posted a photo of her new prayer wall. It inspired me to add more to my own. I made this graphic that I plan to frame (not sure how yet.) I will post a photo when I get it done, but I thought other might enjoy the graphic I made too. Hopefully, you can download a jpg version by clicking on it. It is free for your personal use.

If you are not familiar with Celtic circle prayers, below is a screen shot that is linked to the website of our Methodist Church right here in town. I found it quite fun that it popped up first in my search, and they gave a good definition.

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Christmas is not over, and the Wise Men do not come until Epiphany

I cannot remember exactly when, but it has only been in the last ten years that I found out that the 12 Days of Christmas do not start until Christmas Day. The 12th Day of Christmas is January 6, which is Epiphany.

Epiphany is also the day when we celebrate the coming of the Magi/Wise Men. In some cultures, the coming of the Magi is celebrated with much more significance. For some, they do not even give gifts to one another until then. It is a way to remember the Magi bringing gifts to the Christ Child.

Since I found out about that tradition, I have not put the Three Wise Men with our manger scene until January 6. I don’t even bring them out of the box until Christmas Day. Over the 12 Days of Christmas I move them around the living room as if they are traveling and following the star. (Go ahead and laugh. It is like a kid playing with all the characters in the Christmas manger play set, but it also meaningful for the big kid in me.) It might make you fee better if I told you I thought about moving the manger when I brought the Wise Mean out this year, but I resisted. I did not put the Wise Men outside either when I realized the manger was on east side of the room–meaning the Wise Men would be coming from the north, south, or west unless I put them outside.

I do sometimes take the Christmas tree down and put away some of the other decorations before Epiphany, but I let the manger scene and the Advent wreath out until Epiphany. Those days of Christmas have become a special time after the hurry of all the family celebrations are over. It is a quiet time–a time to be able to really ponder God’s gifts to us–Jesus.

Knowing what I do with my Willow Tree manger during Advent might make you chuckle too. The manger is always empty. Pregnant Mary and Joseph get to travel around our living room with the donkey.

I found a pregnant Willow Tree figure at a garage sale once, and knew just what I wanted to do with it. (This year Mary and Joseph actually traveled with the camel. Above is an older picture. Does it actually say Mary traveled on a donkey in the bible? I need to look that up. A few times I have found that what I think is in the bible is really only an artist’s interpretation of the story. Maybe I will tell about that another time.)

Merry Christmas and Happy Epiphany (on Monday)!

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We Begin Again, But Not From the Same Place As Before, Thank God!

A couple of years ago I ordered vinyl lettering in the phrase “always we begin again” and put it on the wall above our TV in the family room. The phrase comes from the Rule of St. Benedict. Our treadmill looks directly at it, so each time I get on it, I see the saying. Sometimes it makes me laugh, sometimes it makes me frustrated, and yesterday I had the thought that, “yes, i was beginning again” but “I was not beginning from the same place as I did before.” I can add to that “Thank God!”

There is something very gratifying that I can always start over, but there are also times when I feel like I am not getting anywhere. It is another new year and I want to loose that extra weight again. Should I just give up?

Then, I remind myself how long it took me to quit smoking and stay quit. No, I will not give up. Even though I lost that daily routine of getting on the treadmill over the Christmas season (again), I am getting back on. With a smile on my face, I realized that even though I had lost that routine, I actually tired much less quickly than when I had started trying to do it daily before. Yay!

So, will this be the year that I start blogging more regularly? I am going to try!

Wishing you all a Very Blessed New Year filled with Hope and Love!

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My Word for 2019 – Well

Uff da!  It has been awhile since I posted.  Well…?  Ya.  That is my word this year–“well.”

The photo of my drawing/writing above is not as inspiring of ones I have done of my word for the year in the past, but I have decided that this word still has much to teach me.  It is a work in progress.

When I told my husband that I had finally found my word and what the word was, his comment was , “that’s deep.”  For me, that was the perfect response.  Often I over think things and sometimes it is good to know that healthy humor is one of the best gifts God has given us.

So, yes.  My word for 2019 is deep and it is also “deep.”

So you can see what my words for the year have been in the past and how I began this practice I have labeled all the posts YearlyWord.  Click on that in that Label on the right of this page.

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My Cocoon – My Cave – My Outer Cell

Last night I was laying in the hammock on the deck and my husband asked if I was in my cocoon and if I would emerge a butterfly.  He was joking, of course.  I figured out the sides of the hammock could just about cover me if I fulled them up, which is good for getting a little shade and keeping the bugs away.  Even before he said it, I had been pondering how I did feel like I was wrapped in my own little cocoon.  It was not hot, because the parachute  fabric is so breathable.

This morning, I received the above Daily Nourishment email from Abbey of the Arts and thought about how I could use my little hammock cocoon as my own cave / cell.  Besides just laying in it, how do I do that?  It did not take me long to hear all the voices in my head telling me everything I needed to accomplish today, as if a would not remember.  I was finally able to get them to chill out for a bit, so I could hear the silence and be able to really listen.  That was after I also told my prayer words to be quiet too.  “Come, Holy Spirit.  Bless this day”…

It is hard to just lay there and not want to do something, but gradually a quiet calm does come.  I have heard the term “soaking prayer” mentioned many times.  I love that description because it can not only refer to soaking in all the sights and sounds of nature , but also soaking away and letting go all that we need to be cleansed from.

Only after I lay there awhile  in silence, does my a deep welling of thanks come to me.  Thank you, Lord.

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