Swaddled in the Womb – Photography as Prayer

The other day I took this picture as I noticed the fresh blanket of white snow was really not all white.  The shadows from the tree were casting an array of blues and grays.  On the left is the photo I took, and on the right is the same photo after I edited with a fun app I have on my iPad called PencilSketch.








As I was looking at the edited photo, something popped out to me.  I saw an image in the shadows of the tree branches, which reflected on the snow.  Because I thought it was so inspiring, I posted a cropped version of the photo on my Facebook page and asked friends if the could see the same thing I did.

That turned out to be a very interesting experiment because people saw all kinds of things–birds, heart, wings, a sleigh and even a dinosaur.  Some of those images I could also see when I was pointed in the right direction, but others eluded me.  Sight is such and interesting thing.  Our perceptions, influenced by our experiences, can be so deceptive or revealing depending on how you look at it.

When I pointed out that I saw the image of a swaddled baby in the womb, some could see it, while I am sure others maybe thought I was a bit crazy.  One person thought the branches looked like veins, while another mentioned an arteriogram.  To me, the branches did look like blood vessels, but they were surrounding and nourishing the precious image in the womb.

I realized that the child I saw in the womb was definitely influenced by a book I have been reading.  Because of that, the image I saw has some very deep and significant meaning to me–so much so that I decided to print out some of the words in the book along with the photo to remind me that I need not fear the darkness or the unknown.  If it is meaningful to you, you are welcome to print it out as well for your personal use.

Here is a link to the book as well:  https://www.amazon.com/Anam-Cara-Book-Celtic-Wisdom/dp/006092943X/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1519777026&sr=8-3


And in case you are still wondering where that swaddled person I found is:

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