By Their Fruits

This morning I listened to the pray-as-you-go meditation based on the daily scripture reading, which today happened to be the story about Samuel hearing God calling and thinking it was Eli. One of the questions presented to ponder was if we hear God speaking to us. I thought and thought and realized I could not think of anytime that God had talked to me. The audio finished and ended and I went on with my day.

For the last couple years I have been using a planner from The Dragontree called the Dreambook Planner. How it differs from other planner/calendars is that you schedule your life around your dreams. (That is making it much more simple than it actually is.) One of the things you choose each week is a focus. I had chosen the word “awaken” on Sunday after reading a chapter from Joan Chittister’s book The Breath of the Soul. So, this morning I looked at my focus word and what was on my schedule for the day.

Fast forward a day or two from last Sunday when I had chosen the word “awaken” for the week, and I see a video by Briana Borten from the Dragontree posted on YouTube called Awakening Your True Consciousness and Highest Self. Of course it jumped out at me because of that word “awakening” but to be honest, other than the planner and things they do to help you use it and fill it out, I had not really pursued anything else the Dragontree offers. My reasoning for that may sound very judgmental to some, because I was a bit leery of some of the “new age” ” pagan” things. Still, I thought I might need to be a bit more open-minded so I watched it. There was not one thing I could find in it that challenged Christianity. In fact, I saw how her references to love and light could easily be interchanged with God–even God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Still I was not convinced that Briana’s words totally meshed with my faith.

Yesterday, for a bible study group I am in we are studying the book of Matthew and the Sermon on the Mount. Without knowing it I read ahead to Chapter 7, which was supposed to be for next week. Interestingly, included in the chapter is about knowing Christians by their fruits. That made me think of Briana and her video. There was not one “bad fruit” I could think of that could come out of what she said.

Have you totally lost me? Well, pray-as-you-go and their question today, Briana Borten’s video, Joan Chittister’s book and the chapter 7 in Matthew about bearing good fruit all came together for me this afternoon.

Have I heard God speaking to me? Yes! I think God has spoken to me through others often, and especially this last week. That made me smile and giggle a bit at myself too.

(All italicized and in bold above will lead to the links if you click on them.)

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