Motivation Monday from Wednesday on Thursday

This past Tuesday night I was a bit discouraged that the weight I want to loose is just not coming off. I want to do it not necessarily to look better, but to feel better. Over the years, those pounds have crept on little by little and my body has been saying, enough. Tuesday night, however, that motivation did not seem like enough.

Each morning I try to spend some time reading blog posts from those who offer a spiritual message. Wednesday morning I read a blog post from GODSPACE titled “The Heartbeat of God & Rhythm of Eternal Breath: Fire Power”. My first reaction was to pull back a bit from that word “power.” When I think of God and breath, I think of a gentle whisper vs a roaring fire. The power of a roaring fire seems too loud, a but intimidating, and even scary. Yet, throughout the day on Wednesday, I kept coming back to that post. The idea of breath and oxygen igniting the Holy Spirit within me actually gave me a bit of motivation.

What if I looked at my time each day on the treadmill as time to get that fire of the Holy Spirit burning within me. The faster I went, the more oxygen I would take in. The more oxygen I took in, the more I would fan those flames within me. Strange as it seems, I found a new motivation to get on the treadmill and move that rate of speed up a bit. (Granted only from 2.7 to 2.8). I also stayed on the treadmill longer, so I went a greater distance. Those pants in my breath had new meaning.

We are all motivated by many different things. I would have never thought this might be the motivation I needed. I am sure the author of the blog article did not necessarily have that intent either, but I am thankful. I truly believe the Holy Spirit works in mysterious ways.

I am due soon for a new pair of running shoes. I am thinking they need to be red or orange.

What motivates you?

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