Do Justice, Work for Justice, Good Trouble

I mentioned in my last post that I had started painting as therapy and prayer during the pandemic. It is something that I have continued.

Yesterday, I was painting a watercolor on a small 3″x9″ piece of watercolor paper. As I painted, thoughts of “what am I doing?”, “I am not sure what I am supposed to be doing.”, and “Lord, what do you want me to do?” ran through my mind. These questions related to what I was supposed to do with the little painting as well as larger questions about what to do with my life.

One of my favorite daily devotions is the Pray As You Go music readings and meditations from the Jesuits in Britain. They use a format similar to Lectio Divina where the reading is read more that once. The reading fro yesterday was Micah 6:1-4, 6-8. It is the reading where we are told that what God asks for us is to act justly, love mercy, and to walk humbly with our God. The translation in Pray As You Go was to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly.

When I wondered where to go next with the little painting, it was those words that came again to me. I took that as an answer to not only what to do with the painting, but what to put my focus on as well.

First, I am considering what it means to do justice. With the death of Representative and civil rights leader leader for John Lewis, there has been a quote going around of his. It is “Get into good trouble.” That phrase “good trouble” is challenging. What does that mean? When the bible says “do justice” might Lewis’s words help us discern what that means?

I am trying to live those questions and trying to follow what they mean for me.

Another quote that is significant for me relating to that is from Pope John Paul VI.

If you want Peace, work for Justice.

Holy Spirit, lead us,


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